Ball FloraPlant 2025 Catalog


Twisted, Intenz ™ & Floriosa Touchable texture for potted plants and gardens

CELOSIA Celosia cristata Twisted

Height: 16 to 20 in. (41 to 51 cm) Spread: 12 to 14 in. (30 to 36 cm) Unique, bold color and all-season garden performance. After years of trialing to ensure ease of production, Twisted truly offers a fine complement to Intenz™ Celosia for both pot plant and garden programs. Its bold cristata blooms attract attention because of their unique, touchable form and texture. Excellent for Fall programs. CELOSIA Celosia spicata Intenz™ An easy-to-produce plant with bold flower spikes that look great at retail. Continues to bloom throughout the Summer and Fall…making it the perfect plant for an indoor program or in the garden. NEW Dark Purple Improved Bred by FLORITEC. CELOSIA Celosia argentea Floriosa Red Dark Leaf Height: 10 to 14 in. (25 to 36 cm) Spread: 10 to 16 in. (25 to 41 cm) Provides a high-quality, uniform product. Flowers from April as a cheerful Spring bloomer to October as a rewarding Fall décor program in pots on balconies or in gardens. If finishing before the end of May, Floriosa will require black cloth – an exciting extension for this plant. This provides a great opportunity to use Floriosa for container programs. Height: 18 in. (46 cm) Spread: 12 in. (30 cm)

Twisted Yellow

Twisted Dark Orange

Twisted Red Currant

Twisted Strawberry

Intenz Lipstick (left) NEW Intenz Dark Purple Improved (right)

Floriosa Red Dark Leaf


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