Ball FloraPlant 2025 Catalog


Heat-Loving Combos

Berrytones Archangel™ Cherry Red Angelonia Archangel™ Raspberry Angelonia AngelMist ® Spreading Dark Purple Angelonia

Mix Tip

Contains both upright and spreading Angelonia. It is not necessary to position the upright Archangel Angelonia in the center of the pot, as the components will find balance. Bloom Of Allegiance AngelMist ® Spreading White Angelonia Lucky™ Red Lantana Blue Brilliance Scaevola Good Company Shamrock™ Butterscotch Glow Lantana Shamrock™ Red Lantana NEW Hot Spell Improved Archangel™ Dark Rose Angelonia Honeybells Cuphea NEW Lucky™ Gold Lantana Just My Luck Shamrock™ Butterscotch Glow Lantana Shamrock™ Orange Flame Lantana Shamrock™ Peach Lantana NEW Lucky Charm Improved Lucky™ Flame Lantana NEW Lucky™ Gold Lantana Lucky™ Sunrise Rose Lantana NEW Passion Project

Bloom Of Allegiance


Hot Spell Improved

Good Company

Just My Luck

AngelMist ® Spreading Dark Purple Angelonia PassionFruit Lantana White Sparkle Scaevola

Lucky Charm Improved

Passion Project


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