Ball FloraPlant 2025 Catalog


4 TO 5-IN. ( 10 TO 13-CM) POTS

6-IN. (15-CM) POTS, GALLONS 1 ppp, 7-11 weeks 1-2 ppp, 8-10 weeks 1-3 ppp, 7-9 weeks

10 TO 12-IN. (25 TO 30-CM) POTS OR BASKETS




1 ppp, 6-9 weeks

3 ppp, 8-10 weeks

Mites, whitefly, thrips, aphids

Let it dry between watering.

1 ppp, 6-8 weeks 1 ppp, 5-8 weeks

3-5 ppp, 10-12 weeks 3-5 ppp, 10-12 weeks

Generally not needed. B-Nine(S) 2,500 ppm.

Spider mites None

Pinch for better branching and shape.

Generally not needed. B-Nine(S) 1,500- 3,000 ppm and Cycocel 750-1,000 ppm tank mix(S). Avoid Florel use.

Whitefly, caterpillars

Root rot, Botrytis

High light will significantly improve plant quality by encouraging branching, earlier flowering and the ideal plant habit growth. Best suited to mid to late Spring and Summer programs. Let it dry between watering. High light will significantly improve plant quality by encouraging branching, earlier flowering and the ideal plant habit growth. High light will significantly improve plant quality by encouraging branching, earlier flowering and the ideal plant habit growth. Best-suited to mid to late Spring and Summer programs.

1 ppp, 6 weeks

1 ppp, 7-9 weeks

3 ppp, 10-12 weeks

Whitefly, caterpillars

Root rot, Botrytis

1 ppp, 6-8 weeks

1-3 ppp, 7-9 weeks

3-5 ppp, 10-12 weeks

Generally not needed. B-Nine(S) 1,500- 3,000 ppm and Cycocel 750-1,000 ppm tank mix(S). Avoid Florel use.

Whitefly, caterpillars

Root rot, Botrytis

1 ppp, 7-9 weeks

3 ppp, 10-12 weeks

Whitefly, Caterpillars, leafminer

root rot

1-2 ppp, 5-7 weeks

2-3 ppp, 7-10 weeks

4-5 ppp, 8-12 weeks

Generally not needed. B-Nine(S) 1,000-1,500 ppm can be used sparingly to tone and control spread. Florel(S) 150-200 ppm will reduce early flowering and increase branching.

Thrips, aphids Root rot, Botrytis

Pinch as needed to shape. Grow Bacopa bright and cool to maximize branching and encourage best possible habit. Test soil regularly for high pH/iron deficiency. Refer to the MegaCopa Series Bacopa Grower Facts at ballfloraplant. com for detailed culture information.

1 ppp, 5-7 weeks

2-3 ppp, 6-8 weeks

4-5 ppp, 6-9 weeks

PGR is generally not needed, as it is genetically compact. Bee Alive responds well to B-Nine applications at rates below 2,500 ppm. B-Nine(S) 2,500 ppm. Also responds to Sumagic(S) 3-5 ppm or Sumagic(D) 0.25 ppm. B-Nine(S) 2,500 ppm. Also responds to Sumagic(S) 3-5 ppm or Sumagic(D) 0.25 ppm.

Fungus gnats Root and stem rot

Pinch for better branching and shape.

1-2 ppp, 5-7 weeks 1 ppp, 5-7 weeks

1-3 ppp, 6-8 weeks 2-3 ppp, 6-8 weeks

4-5 ppp, 6-9 weeks 4-5 ppp, 6-9 weeks

Fungus gnats Root and stem rot Fungus gnats Root and stem rot

Pinch for better branching and shape.

Pinch for better branching and shape.

1 ppp, 4-6 weeks 1 ppp, 5-7 weeks 1 ppp, 4-6 weeks

2-3 ppp, 6-8 weeks 2-3 ppp, 6-8 weeks 1-2 ppp, 6-8 weeks

4-5 ppp, 12-14 weeks 4-5 ppp, 10-14 weeks 4-5 ppp, 12-14 weeks

Generally not needed.

Thrips, whitefly Thrips, whitefly Thrips, whitefly Thrips, aphids, whitefly

Botrytis, Thielaviopsis Botrytis, Thielaviopsis Botrytis, Thielaviopsis

Cool temperatures and high light will produce the best habit. Cool temperatures and high light levels will produce the highest quality plants.

Generally not needed.

Generally not needed. Grow plants under high light with warm temperatures to achieve the best quality. Generally not needed. Is responsive to Bonzi(S) 20-30 ppm or Sumagic(S) 10- 20 ppm to maintain habit as needed. Use B-Nine(S) 2,500-5,000 ppm, Bonzi(D) 3-8 ppm or Florel(S) 300-500 ppm applied 1 time up to 3 times for large baskets to maintain habit as needed. Plant growth regulators are generally not needed and should only be applied if plants show signs of requiring extra control. B-Nine(S) 1,500-3,000 ppm applied 1 time up to 3 times should provide adequate control. B-Nine is typically used at 2,500 ppm to assist in minimizing internode stretch. The first application should be made approximately 2 weeks after the pinch, when new shoots are about 1.5 in. (4 cm) in length. Then spray once a week for about 3 weeks. Bonzi drench at 1 to 2 ppm has also shown to be effective.

Supplement fertilizers with extra Fe to avoid yellowing foliage. Avoid cold and wet conditions.

1 ppp, 6-8 weeks

1-2 ppp, 7-9 weeks

3-5 ppp, 10-12 weeks

Root and stem rot

High light and cool temperatures will improve plant quality significantly.

1 ppp, 6-9 weeks

1-2 ppp, 7-11 weeks

3-5 ppp, 8-12 weeks

Thrips, aphids, leafminers

Root rot

Cooler air temperatures and high light will reduce or eliminate any need for plant growth regulators. Maintain pH at 5.2-5.8 to optimize plant health. Crop times will be shortest as days lengthen in Spring. Apply preventative broad-spectrum fungicide drench early (7-10 days after transplant). Avoid saturated media and excessive feed levels. Cooler air temperatures and high light will reduce or eliminate any need for plant growth regulators. Maintain pH at 5.2-5.8 to optimize plant health. Crop times will be shortest as days lengthen in Spring. Apply preventative broad-spectrum fungicide drench.

1 ppp, 5-8 weeks

1-3 ppp, 6-10 weeks

3-5 ppp, 8-12 weeks

Thrips, aphids, leafminers

Root rot

1 ppp, 7-8 weeks

2-3 ppp, 8-9 weeks

3-4 ppp, 9-10 weeks

Aphids, thrips, mites, leafminers


* ppp=plants per pot ** Perennial varieties that can be grown cold without treatment for Spring and Summer sales.



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